How N.J. company, Tris Pharma, is working to solve severe shortage of ADHD medication 
A year-long shortage of ADHD medicine has created an endless loop of millions of parents searching desperately to find medication for their kids — often on a monthly basis. Monmouth Junction-based Tris Pharma is working to help.
Clinical Trials Arena
Pain points: Unsolved recruitment and trial design issues in pain clinical trials 
Although pain affects millions of people worldwide, the industry is still struggling in the ongoing search for safe and effective medication.
The Bio Report
Managing Pain without Addiction 
Opioid overdose, abuse, and addiction affect an estimated 3 million Americans and accounts for $35 billion in U.S. healthcare costs every year.
Life Science Leader
To America, A New Biopharma Model 
Ketan Mehta, founder and CEO of Tris Pharma. Mehta came to the U.S. in the late 1970s. Since then, he has built a career in pharma and, more recently, an entirely new company with a triad of businesses-platform technology licensing, generic medicines, and new drug development.
How to Navigate the Narcolepsy Pharmacotherapy LandscapeManaging Pain without Addiction 
With new narcolepsy drugs available, sleep specialists face the challenge of selecting the most suitable therapies for their patients.
NJBIZ Conversations: Ketan Mehta 
Tris Pharma founder and CEO Ketan Mehta talks about his company’s work on a new, non-addictive pain treatment and other promising products in the pipeline.
Is America ready for a new kind of opioid? 
Tris Pharma’s CEO is “betting the company” on a pain reliever with the power of an opioid and a lower chance of addiction.
Flying Under the Radar, Tris Pharma Builds Strong Pipeline in ADHD, Pain, Neurological Disorders 
In the continual wake of the opioid crisis gripping the nation, New Jersey-based Tris Pharma is developing a pipeline of pain treatments that are expected to be much safer than currently available products.